Thats smart ! one shouted in a husky voice 有一名士兵用嘶哑的嗓音喊道。
The teacher speaks with a husky voice 老师以嘶哑的声音说话。
You , old chap ! he heard a husky voice shouting from behind at that instant 你这个丑家伙! ”这时他后面传来嘶哑的嗓音。
No , its impossible ! thought nikolay , still shouting in a husky voice 不,这不可能。 ”他一面想道,一面用嘶哑的嗓音继续喊叫。
He asked in a husky voice . you should care . don t care when it s too late 他用着一种沉哑的声音说, “你应该考虑考虑的,不要等以太迟了”
Makar alexyevitch , frowning with effort , succeeded in keeping the pistol , and was shouting in a husky voice , evidently imagining some heroic scene 马卡尔阿列克谢耶维奇使劲抓住枪不放,皱着眉头,并用沙哑的嗓子叫喊,看样子好像在幻想什么庄严的事情。
With a yellow , puffy , heavy face , dim eyes , a red nose , and a husky voice , he sat on a camp - stool , looking down and involuntarily listening to the sounds of the firing 他坐在折椅上,脸姜黄而浮肿,心情沉重,眼睛混浊,鼻子发红,声音沙哑,他不由得耷拉下眼皮,无意地听着枪炮声。
Tottering on his long , thin legs in his fluttering dressing - gown , this madman ran at headlong speed , with his eyes fixed on rastoptchin , shouting something to him in a husky voice , and making signs to him to stop 这人摇晃着细长的瘦腿,长衫飘动着,拼命追着马车跑,两眼紧盯拉斯托普钦,用嘶哑的嗓子对他喊,并比划着要他停车。
Master spoke in a husky voice and coughed often . fellow initiates could hardly contain their tears when they saw master working so hard , and knew that there were many more lectures to follow . nevertheless , the hard work bore fruit 师父站著讲经,她的声音沙哑连连咳嗽,看到师父这么辛苦而还有那么多国紧接著要讲经,同修的眼泪忍不住夺眶而出。
He was only rather redder in the face than usual , and tossing back his shaggy head , as birds do when they drink , his little legs mercilessly driving the spurs into his good horse bedouin , he galloped to the other flank of the squadron , looking as though he were falling backwards in the saddle , and shouted in a husky voice to the men to look to their pistols 他满面通红,不过较诸于平日显得更红。他像小鸟喝水时一样,仰起他那头发蓬乱的头,两条细腿使劲地用马刺刺着那匹良骓贝杜英的两肋,他那身子俨像要向后跌倒似的,骑着马儿向连队的另一翼疾驰而去他开始用他嘶哑的嗓门叫喊,要大家检查手枪。